Sunday, October 5, 2008

What's Most Important

It seems like forever since I last posted. Cindy and I are selling our designs at the York Women's Show this weekend and I've been busy putting together new creations. Not to mention my most important job, being a mother.
I've expressed my frustrations over being a stay at home mommy in previous posts. The feeling that you have no time for yourself. Always catering to the needs of your little one. Being exhausted and lonely. And I only have 1!!! I have no comparison to Debi of Who Says 8 Is Enough? She has 9 children, many of them are still at home with her! She has an amazing story of love and unselfishness and I admire her for doing what she does. Debi has a blended family, some are her natural children, and others her and her husband have adopted. She recently posted about how overwhelmed and exhausted she is and how she feels she can't get anything done!!! I'm sure! I know how I feel with just my darling Chloe! She ends her post by saying though, they sure are cute! In the end, the love for our children is what matters the most. Not how tempremental or cranky they can be. Not the fact that you hear "Mommy" a thousand times a day. But the fact that you are shaping another human being and you love them unconditionally. You want to protect them and let them know you will always be there for them. When I saw my daughter dancing around the room the other morning to the Dora the Explorer theme song, I was filled with tears. Not tears of frustration or sadness, but tears of joy. She looked so adorable and innocent just having fun watching her favorite show. That's what's most important!


Thee_Kween said...

God bless. I only HOPE to be blessed with one before its too late (I'm 35) God bless on the business. I love your stuff. As soon as I am able I am gonna purchase a few things.

debi9kids said...

Thank you so very much for your thoughtful post about my family. It means a lot to me :)