Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Our First Arts Festival

It's been a busy couple of weeks! Cindy and I had 2 shows in a week because of a cancellation due to Huricane Hannah. Our first one was in Wilmington, DE at the 48th Annual Brandywine Arts Festival. For our first time, it went pretty well. Other vendors and guests commented that there weren't as many people visiting this year. Many obstacles, such as the prior week's cancellation, and the weekend's hot weather could have played a part. This was the first time I spent a weekend away from Chloe, but despite a whole mess of stuff to do when I arrived back home, I had a nice weekend.

Some of our new fall pieces were a big hit, some have not even made it to the website yet! Several pieces that were one of a kind were sold. We look forward to attending next year.

Our second show was in Bel Air, MD at the Bel Air Festival for the Arts. It was a one day show this time so it was an early morning drive to Maryland for us. This was our first time here as well, and I have to say it was a bit disappointing. The people that were to be beside us didn't even show up, and you do have to be selected to be in this event. I also heard other vendors saying this show was not like it has been in years prior. I'm sure the unstable economy is the biggest factor. People just aren't spending the way they used to. I can't say that I blame them, I rarely buy anything for myself. Of course, I want to sell my creations so I'm hoping the approaching holiday season will be a success!

Our next show is Oct. 4-5 at the York Women's Show. We are looking forward to meeting a lot of great ladies and sharing our love for what we do.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

We are a Winner of I LOVE YOUR BLOG!!

Cindy and I had a weekend show in DE (post and pics to follow), and upon return I was pleasantly surprised to see we won this award! I have really tried to work on blogging more frequently and I want to thank all of you who nominated us! Skwiggazine members are the best!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Jewelry Tuesday Giveaway

Please visit House of Raquel to read my interview and to enter my giveaway! Raquel has devoted every Tuesday as Jewelry Tuesday and features a different jewelry artist each week, this week is me. I am giving away this beautiful ring, just right for fall! You have until 7:30 p.m. Pacific time tomorrow evening to enter. Good luck!

Monday, September 8, 2008

In Memory Of Andy

Last week, we had to put our precious dachshund Andy down. This is the saddest time of my life. He was only 5 and had always been so full of life. Just one week prior, he was fine. But, one day he was crying at the bottom of the steps and I went down to find him just standing there. I picked him up and brought him upstairs. He seemed okay, just took things a little slower. I didn't know what had happened, but I knew something was wrong the next morning. I called the vet right away and had an appointment that evening. During the day, he was losing his balance and starting dragging his back legs. The vet examined him, said there was nothing broken or dislocated, so he gave him a shot and sent home some medication. I was also to put moist heat on his backend twice a day. I did everything the vet said, but Andy only got worse. Monday was a holiday, so Tuesday morning I called to report there was no improvement. He referred me to a specialist. They could only see him the next day, and that day I knew he was dying. It was so heartbreaking to see him just lay around, not able to move. We were given some options, but surgery seemed unlikely to help because he had no feeling in his back end and he had become incontinent. A cart may have been an option, but would be very tough with a bi-level house. The new vet told us if he had been her pet, she would put him down. I knew it was coming. It didn't make it any easier. My husband and I didn't want to see him suffer. I still wonder if we could have made it with the cart. It happened so suddenly. My heart aches. I am having a very hard time dealing with why he had to go so young. I know this breed has problems losing their backends, and I know I did everything I could for him, but I just can't believe he is gone. I still think I'm going to see him when I walk into the room, or hear his cry. My words can't express how much he was loved. He was the most gentle dog who just wanted to be around us. He always made us laugh and was a wonderful companion to our family. He will be greatly missed. I will leave you with a beautiful poem the vet sent to us with her sympathies:

Rainbow Bridge

Just this side of heaven lies the Rainbow Bridge.

When a beloved pet dies, it goes to the Rainbow Bridge. It makes Friends with other animals and frolics over rolling hills and peaceful, lush meadows of green.

Our pets do not thirst or hunger. The old and sick are made young once more; the maimed and ill become healed and strong. They are as healthy and playful as we remember them in days gone by.

Though happy and content, they still miss someone very special, someone they had to leave behind.

Together, the animals chase and play, but the day comes when a pet will suddenly stop and look into the distance...bright eyes intent, eager body quivering. Suddenly recognizing you, your pet bounds quickly across the green fields and into your embrace. You celebrate in joyous reunion. You will never again separate. Happy tears and kisses are warm and plenty; your hands caress the face you missed. You look once more into the loving eyes of your pet and know you never really parted. You realize that though out of sight, your love had been remebered.

And now, you cross the Rainbow Bridge together...